Friday, 19 September 2014

Marketing your Project

Marketing your Project 

The mind maps below are sectioned into 3 categories: People you need to know,  Places you need to be and publicity. The sections are to show the different areas that you get involved with to market your product, your product meaning YOU yourself. The following ideas presented on the mind map show how you can market yourself by using different ways of publicity such as; Social media sites, adverts, busking and agencies. Also the charts below will indicate to the types of people that are essential to know in the industry to hear about auditions to have head starts in casting etc. Finally the places you need to be:  for example getting part time jobs in theaters- for example front of house to enhance communication skills which can come to great use in audition and interview situations and working with new people in casts. The main points to marketing your product as stated can be seen below and shows the different areas of the industry which you need to know and put yourself in to get yourself marketed correctly and to your own personal benefit to go down the correct path in the industry.

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